Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Spreading Awareness.

I would like to thank all my readers and everyone who "liked" my page on FB. It's a great way to spread awareness. One person who helped raise some awareness was Paul LaDue. He has created a Face Book page to get Stephanie Miller to replace Larry King when he steps down. I think it's a great idea. Check it out... The Stephanie Miller Show with her Mookes have entertained and informed me during many hours of driving to doctor's appointments and tests. I drive 46 miles one way to my medical team at the VA Hospital and 120 miles one way to my specialists in LA.
It would be wrong not to mention the infamous Mrs. Taylor, who keeps Stephanie in printer ink and has shown tremendous restraint by not throwing Steph down a flight of stairs especially in her "infirmed" state.

I also noticed Paul is supporting a movement to draft Jon Stewart to moderate the 2012 presidential debate. I have been watching Stewart since he started at Comedy Central and I have seen him ask questions I wish a real journalist would ask of those he's interviewed. And he's a fake journalist! I have to agree with Paul on this one as well. Maybe Steph should be added to the list of potential moderators?

For those of you upset about my mentioning some liberal shows, thanks for hanging in there. My dad is a Republican/ Tea Partier. I love him to pieces and we have some great conversations. If you need something else to get your mind off your frustraion with my liberalness, here is is... boobies. Boobies, they make everyone smile, don't they? My next entry is about boobies. If you found that offensive, well I've run out of things to clear your mind and I'll just thank you for hanging in there and continuing to read. Scleroderma and Sarcoidosis have no opinion.

My upcoming topic is about breastfeeding while having an autoimmune disease. A certain super model seems to think it should be mandatory to breast feed a child. But what happens when you can't?

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