Friday, August 20, 2010

Normal Mom

Happy Friday Everyone:-)

First, I want to apologize to those with Sarcoidosis for not mentioning I have it in the following story about my son. Scleroderma is more noticable in me and this is the true story. I'm not sure if mentioning one disease to my son at a time is the right idea, but 2 seems a lot for a 6 year old to handle. I haven't quite figured out how to tell him that part of it. I will keep you posted. Really, I think Scleroderma would be interchangable with any disease in my story. One disease isn't worse than the other. They ALL suck.

I posted a picture on Face Book of myself holding my son. The reason- I always felt self conscious when holding him the way I had to because of the condition of my fingers. I’m still self conscious, but I’ve come to a place where it no longer bothers me. The self consciousness is more like- stare if you want, I’m busy.

Before I had my son, I had stopped touching other people except for handshakes. I’m completely the opposite about handshakes. I love sticking my hand out just to watch someone’s reaction. Cheap entertainment for me, but I digress. My interest in touching stopped sometime in the 90’s. I’m not sure when, but one day I just stopped touching people. I shake hands when I meet people, but anything close or intimate- not so much. Simple things like putting a hand on the shoulder of a friend when she was crying or upset felt useless or fake to me. I was much better with hugs.

I didn’t really notice my aversion to touching others until the first time I held my son. I picked him up so awkwardly, I was afraid I was going to drop him. I touched him, and my heart broke when I realized I could touch him with my knuckles, not my fingertips. There are ways I could touch him with my fingertips, but to pick him up or hold him, I had to use my knuckles. I never missed touching anything until then. I became worried I wouldn't be able to do the things a normal mom could do. I became depressed about it and didn't even realize my behavior had changed. I was told constantly by friends, family, my son's pediatrician, and my shrink how good a job I was doing at being a mom but I just wouldn't buy it.

Now that my son is 6, I look back and here's what I do know and I want every mom to know, disabled or not. There is no such thing as a normal mom. I thought my son was adapting to my disabilities, but the truth is he didn't have to adapt to anything because I'm the only mom he knows. There was so much I put into my head about what I couldn't do, I forgot that there was so much I could do, especially in public. I made myself feel like a freak show and would miss out on simple activities so I wouldn’t draw attention to myself.

Kids don't judge. My son never thought anything was wrong with me. I allowed my mind to make a bigger deal out of things than they were. Every parent has something different about them. It could be hard to spot or in plain sight, but there's always something. Sure, disabled parents have personal obstacles and for most, those obstacles were there before they were parents. And really, parents who aren’t disabled have their obstacles too- so right there, the playing field becomes level. Disabled or not- parenting is challenging, frustrating, painful, smelly and will scare you right out of your shoes(Wow, I really had to work to clean up that last one. Thank you, Dr. Seuss.) Wanda Sykes used to talk about what parents told her about having kids, "yeah... but there worth it." She had no children at the time and called it a conspiracy by parents to recruit more parents. She was right. I think if all parents knew exactly how tough it was to be a parent, the human race would've been extinct a long time ago.

Now, I'd be making a huge omission if I did not mention my son noticed my hands were different at a very young age. I think it was before he could talk. He would take one of my hands and try to straighten them. Sometimes he would catch me off guard and it would hurt like hell. I would gently loosen his grip and tell him, "Mommy's hands don't work that way." His curiosity was satisfied with such a simple answer he would move on to something else. As he got older, he started asking questions. The answers started out simply "That's just the way Mommy's hands are" then became, "Mommy has Scleroderma.", followed by a simple explaination. Once he had that 75 cent word in his vocabulary, the questions became more complex, but at weird times. It was actually kind of funny watching him wrap his head around it. This was a typical conversation,

"I need to sit on the couch, this floor is not very comfortable."

He'd ask, "Mommy, is it because you have Scleroderma?"

"No Honey, it's because the floor is cold and hard."

About Scleroderma, I kept my answers simple and honest. I did not want to worry or lie to him, but simple worked well and still works today. That short attention span kids have really comes in handy sometimes.

When he was 5, I laid it all out for him. I sat him down and explained Scleroderma the best that I could and made sure he knew I was going to be okay, no matter what. It took him a while to process it, but I think he understood then and understands it now as best as any 6 year old can.

Short story long, I posted the picture because a person with finger contractures holding their kid with no make up on (Warning) is rarely seen. So there you go. Check it out. Parenting

Thanks for reading.
For more reading:
Parenting and Disability: Disabled Parents' Experiences of Raising Children
(I haven't read this yet, I just found it on Amazon. If anyone has read it, leave a comment about it. Thanks)
Foundation for Sarcoid Research
Scleroderma Foundation
Scleroderma Research Foundation

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