Monday, August 9, 2010

A Few Changes

The School year starts for my son this week and every year at this time is a new beginning for me as well. When I was a kid, I never understood why the year ended in January, not the last weekend in summer. Here I am again, all grown up looking forward to a new year in August.

I'm not the one starting a new school year, but I still wanted to start something new. The obvious change is the design template of my blog. I'm not talented enough to design my own, so I picked this template. It seemed light. Then I removed my G ads. I left out the whole word because I don't want to get kicked off blog spot. I took off the ads because I was starting to worry I might see the, "Cure Scleroderma by eating a jar of mayonaise." ad. The only thing I will continue to plug are things I find helpful or interesting, like a book from Amazon, etc...

So, that's what I have so far. Some nice superficial changes. There's always room for growth and change. I'm not sure where to start, I'm staring from the outside and working my way in. If I get too nuts someone may have to remind me that my underwear goes on inside the pants. Then I know I've run out of ideas and should probably be reminded to get a meds check.

Stuff that caught my eye today...
Genuine Imitations By Phil Taylor
Tips on where I can get fiber from Stephen Colbert

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