Saturday, August 7, 2010

Just One Study

My emotional rant yesterday did leave out a few things. First of all, any OT or health practitioner worth his/her salt will question any study. The study I sighted was important, but important to me. It showed something I was sure of was effective. How valid a study is, is the replication of that study. Many things touted as facts in our culture begin with statements like, "Studies show...", or "Some say...", or "They say...". I say, "What Studies?" "Who are They?" and "How do Some know?".

I have sent the study to my OT. I may need to find more studies about massage and it's effects on scar tissue- and that's okay. Anytime something is called into questions that I tout as fact, I hadv better make a case for it by doing my homework.

I'll blog about my progress next week. Right now, I've got some outdoors to get to.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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