Thursday, September 16, 2010

Infusion Fun

I was the lucky recipient of a Remicade infusion I get every 8 weeks. I planned on doing a ton of writing, but instead opted for the nap. I rocked out to Snatam Kaur while I feel asleep. Something about the chanting of a mantra with some smooth sounds from a sitar, really clears my brain. I'm no chanting aficionado. I heard this CD at Kundalini Yoga class I took three years ago; I attended regularly and bought a DVD. At the end of the workout, there was meditation with Snatam Kaur’s music, very mind clearing.

I learned something today. It tool 3 sticks to get my IV started. More is not the norm. I think it was the Jack in The Box I ate before my appointment. So I'll just add that to my list of things not to do before my infusion. I have no scientific data to back this up. I am basing my theory of how I can control things on my personal experience. For example, if I don't drink enough water before an IV stick, that usually results in a second, third or 4th IV stick. I came to that conclusion when I was in the hospital on the cardiac floor of UCLA with a MRSA (that's a whole other blog entry). My IV had to be moved and there was consideration of a PIC line. Determined not to add another complication to my hospital stay, I tried to think if there was something I could do to make my veins behave. I thought about my routine in the hospital, and while in my morphine/hydrocodone haze, realized I wasn't getting enough water. So, I finished what was in my lovely pitcher I could take as a parting gift. I was on a lot of morphine and hydrocodone and it's easy to get dehydrated. An hour later, another attempt was made to move my IV before calling the PIC line Nurse, and it was started with ease.

As I stated earlier, this is just my personal experience. The results of my drinking water could have been psychosomatic, but who cares? I really don't care how something works, just so long as it does. Besides, what better ways to relax a control freak than letting her think she can control a situation most likely out of her control. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt (Mark Twain); it's a fabulous coping skill.

Thanks for reading:-)

Best Description of Sarcodosis I have read yet
Foundation for Sarcoidosis Reasearch
Scleroderma Foundation
Scleroderma Research Foundation
Spirit Voyage
Snatam Kaur
Books I have read and found helpful:
Strength in the storm: Creating Calm in Difficult Times
The Places That Scare You: A guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times
(Just for fun)
My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One Night Stands

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