Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Yoga Has Been Secretly Replaced With Angry Running.

Day 11 of my 120 days of yoga.

I did well the first three days. The fourth day, something happened. I was very distracted and I quit yoga in the middle of it and went to the gym. I started on the eliptical machine, but became starngely drawn to the treadmill in row in front of me. I can’t run well. My feet have contractures and the repetitive pounding can be very painful, but not that day. Maybe it was the music, but I think it’s less Rage Against The Machine on my Ipod and more rage I have cultivated inside of me thanks to my immune system acting like a meth-head on a crime spree.

I not sure what I’m angry about. My condition is stabilized, but every now and then I have transient thoughts of opportunities missed in my 30’s- but that could be more of a turning 40 thing. It could be related to my ongoing life with Scleroderma and Sarcoidosis, but that feels very ego-centric to me. Everyone has ups and downs throughout their life. Why would mine be any more difficult? Maybe it’s the silence of having a stable condition. No ER visits and fewer flare-ups have given me time to slow down, smell the flowers and notice a few of them stink.

Since that fourth day, I start with a warm up on the floor with some yoga for about 20 minutes, then on to the treadmill. I start slow, take big strides that feel like lunges to me, and then back to a comfortable pace while intermittently raising my treadmill speed two beeps at a time. After 10 minutes, something very strange happens. I get this burst. It’s not happy or sad, it just is. Like someone's targeting me with a rocket launcher from the eliptical machine behind me and suddenly fires. I explode and run like I stole something for a few minutes, then I drop my speed to fast walking and continue this walk/burst thing until my 60 minutes on the treadmill is up. When I’m finished I feel emotionally lighter. It works better than any sedatives I’ve ever taken. Somehow, this running is helping me rid myself of stinky flowers. Maybe that means someday when I stop to smell the flowers, they will make me happy instead of reminding me of what might have been.

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Blazing Flare-Ups