Sunday, May 30, 2010

Daycare. Finally

I finally signed up my six year-old son for 5 day care after school and summer camp. I kept putting it off because I would internalize criticisms from my ex. I don't blame him. I'm good at taking things, mulling them over and making them more important than they are. Like many, I am my toughest critic.

I had the day to myself and I feel like I am settling into the house I moved into in March. I spent the day putting things away. Shredding old bank documents that needed it. So much so, I overheated my shredder. Bank statements from 2006, two boxes of blank checks and a stack of old bills. My aha moment came when I realized I needed to be in Loma Linda then back in Temecula before the end of the day on Tuesday. That was 96 miles round trip. I automatically plaued the schedule of my day through my mind and realized I could never finish anything by 11:00. Then I realized my son started after school day camp and I had the whole day to finish my errands. I could actually feel myself standing up straighter. I had stopped running in circles.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hitting the Wall

Yesterday my Wii age was 23, today it's 31 which to me is more realistic. At 23 I had full use of my hands, was in great shape and was training with my brother to play softball in college. Today, I feel a little hint of narcissism just reporting my Wii age. But if I don't do something, I might stop.

I feel like I've hit a wall. Really, how long can the meds I take fend off the progression of two diseases? If I wreck my liver, I will never get to drink box wine again! THAT would be the real tragedy. I feel strong enough inside, but there's pain on the the outside that makes me feel like I have hit a wall. It makes me think of that character in the movie Run Fatboy Run. (spoiler alert) He comes to the last 300 feet of his marathon and a brick wall appears in front of him. The people around him disappear and it's just him and this wall. He tries to walk through it, but fails. Finally, what seems to be hours, but is really only minutes, he gets the strength to get past his wall in his mind. That's where I feel I am. I have to get past my wall. So I'm doing it with Wii Fit Plus and writing about it. Soon the Vicodin will no longer dull the pain and I have to train my mind to be ready.

Watch the trailer for Run Fatboy Run

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Me and my Wii

I had my Remicade infusion yesterday. I'm still feeling tired, but I have to get myself motivated. I have been using my Wii Fit for 610 days. For a while I was using it regularly with Isagenix shakes (I don't do the full program)and got down to a size 4. Now I'm up to a size 8 and feeling tired. So now I'm recommitting to my Wii. I'm doing it publicly hoping that shame will get me on my Wii Fit Board when my motivation is down. Let's face it, growing up Catholic might make shame a great tool when used for good. So I maybe this would qualify as a quasi-experiment. (No control group and only one test subject disqualify this experiment from scientific scrutiny.)

I will be getting on the Wii board after I finish this post today. Sunday the last time I was on it, my Wii Fit age was 51- 51!!!! I have some work to do.

Have a great day everyone. I will keep you posted and update you how using Wii Fit has benefitted me. In the meantime, here are some links about Wii-Hab, Wii-habilitation and Wii Fit used by seniors.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The 8th Annual Stepping Out For Scleroderma Walk

June is coming and it's time to go for a walk. The 8th Annual Stepping Out For Scleroderma Walk is Sunday, June 6th. Bring your friends, family or dogs or all of the above. There will be lunch, jumpies and more! Click here to sign up and join our team, No Brake Jakes. Last year, a member of our tam had so much energy, we were eating his dust during the walk. So this year, we named the team after him.

If you can't make it, show your support by sponsoring me. The Scleroderma Foundation has made great strides in treatment of symptoms and helping those with this disease cope by connecting with others. To learn more about Scleroderma, visit

On another note, if anyone knows events for Sarcoidosis, please contact me about them. Thanks.

See you all at the walk! I will be posting updates about events as I get them

Check out my sponsor page at

Friday, May 7, 2010

Custody and Luaus

So a few weeks ago in mediation, my ex decided to try to get full custody of our 6 year old son. He told the mediator because of the severe contractures of my fingers, he felt I could not take care of our son. He could provide no conclusive evidence as to why other than, "because I say so". He managed to make the mediator angry, to my amusement (later). So a judge ruled in my favor for joint custody one week after mediation. My ex apologized on the way out of court, not to his credit- just to my amusement. So that's that.

On to a Mother-Son Luau at my son's school tonight. I'm wearing short sleeves and I am very self conscious about it. My hands look like out of place drumsticks on to end of my arms. If it was any other event, I would put a long sleeved t-shirt under my dress on, but what kind of chicken shit would I be wearing a long-sleeved shirt to a luau? That's no example to set for my son, right? So, despite my groans about it, I'm just going to go for it. For the record, I really, really don't want to. I feel like I'm jumping off some cliff all in spite of my own vanity.

Blazing Flare-Ups