Showing posts with label Vicodin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vicodin. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hitting the Wall

Yesterday my Wii age was 23, today it's 31 which to me is more realistic. At 23 I had full use of my hands, was in great shape and was training with my brother to play softball in college. Today, I feel a little hint of narcissism just reporting my Wii age. But if I don't do something, I might stop.

I feel like I've hit a wall. Really, how long can the meds I take fend off the progression of two diseases? If I wreck my liver, I will never get to drink box wine again! THAT would be the real tragedy. I feel strong enough inside, but there's pain on the the outside that makes me feel like I have hit a wall. It makes me think of that character in the movie Run Fatboy Run. (spoiler alert) He comes to the last 300 feet of his marathon and a brick wall appears in front of him. The people around him disappear and it's just him and this wall. He tries to walk through it, but fails. Finally, what seems to be hours, but is really only minutes, he gets the strength to get past his wall in his mind. That's where I feel I am. I have to get past my wall. So I'm doing it with Wii Fit Plus and writing about it. Soon the Vicodin will no longer dull the pain and I have to train my mind to be ready.

Watch the trailer for Run Fatboy Run

Blazing Flare-Ups