Showing posts with label Wii-Habitlitaion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wii-Habitlitaion. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Me and my Wii

I had my Remicade infusion yesterday. I'm still feeling tired, but I have to get myself motivated. I have been using my Wii Fit for 610 days. For a while I was using it regularly with Isagenix shakes (I don't do the full program)and got down to a size 4. Now I'm up to a size 8 and feeling tired. So now I'm recommitting to my Wii. I'm doing it publicly hoping that shame will get me on my Wii Fit Board when my motivation is down. Let's face it, growing up Catholic might make shame a great tool when used for good. So I maybe this would qualify as a quasi-experiment. (No control group and only one test subject disqualify this experiment from scientific scrutiny.)

I will be getting on the Wii board after I finish this post today. Sunday the last time I was on it, my Wii Fit age was 51- 51!!!! I have some work to do.

Have a great day everyone. I will keep you posted and update you how using Wii Fit has benefitted me. In the meantime, here are some links about Wii-Hab, Wii-habilitation and Wii Fit used by seniors.

Blazing Flare-Ups