Sunday, May 30, 2010

Daycare. Finally

I finally signed up my six year-old son for 5 day care after school and summer camp. I kept putting it off because I would internalize criticisms from my ex. I don't blame him. I'm good at taking things, mulling them over and making them more important than they are. Like many, I am my toughest critic.

I had the day to myself and I feel like I am settling into the house I moved into in March. I spent the day putting things away. Shredding old bank documents that needed it. So much so, I overheated my shredder. Bank statements from 2006, two boxes of blank checks and a stack of old bills. My aha moment came when I realized I needed to be in Loma Linda then back in Temecula before the end of the day on Tuesday. That was 96 miles round trip. I automatically plaued the schedule of my day through my mind and realized I could never finish anything by 11:00. Then I realized my son started after school day camp and I had the whole day to finish my errands. I could actually feel myself standing up straighter. I had stopped running in circles.

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