Monday, January 25, 2010

To Breed or Not to Breed

I'm trying not to make this a Scleroderma/Sarcoidosis blog, but I wanted to republish this piece for those who don't have this information.

To Breed, or Not to Breed
It doesn't matter if you have Scleroderma, another debilitating chronic disease or even a hangnail. This is an important question that all parents to be should consider, not just disabled women considering pregnancy. And only those deciding whether or not to have a baby have the right answer. There is an entire industry out there based on our fears of what to expect and how to avoid being a "bad" parent. Recently I read this wonderful book called, The Disabled Woman's Guide to Pregnancy and Birth. I have been putting off writing this entry until I finished this book; but it's a large book with a wealth of information and I wanted to get this information out right away. None of the participants interviewed had Scleroderma, Sarcoidosis or a hangnail but many of the women interviewed shared many of the same concerns, hopes and fears. So far, it has been the best parenting and childbirth book I have ever read. I found it at the library. If your library does not have it, the librarian can request it from other locations. The book can be purchased, but check it out at the library first before spending money. If it is in your budget, it's worth the investment. If you decide to purchase the book, at the end of this entry is a link.
I have no plans to have any more children. But I am so relieved this information is out there for all disabled women. With the increasing number of wounded and disabled women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, this book will be a valuable tool. I do wish The Disabled Woman's Guide to Pregnancy and Birth, existed when I was pregnant. The women in this book had many of the same fears and questions as I did. I felt the overall message of the book was no matter what medical condition a disabled woman has, as long as she has a great professional relationship with her high risk OBGYN, primary specialist and all professional caregivers (I like to refer to as "The Team"), her chances of having a healthy pregnancy are just as good as any "able-bodied" woman. Granted, there is much more involved with chronic illnesses such as Scleroderma , but the bottom line to me was, knowledge is power, fear keeps us alert, family (parents siblings, in-laws) can make us crazy and sometimes give advice based on their needs, not yours. The best message I saw in this book was, the ONLY people the disabled woman should listen to when making this decision to most is herself, her partner and doctor(s). Deciding to become a parent is such a personal thing. Friends and family are never shy to give advice, solicited or not, and there is a wealth of information for disabled women and the professionals who work with them in The Disabled Woman's Guide to Pregnancy and Birth. Another great source is any patient conferences and seminars. I was lucky enough to attend my first Scleroderma Conference in 2008 and found a wealth of information about pregnancy from Elaine Furst, who gave the workshop on Scleroderma and Sexuality at a conference i attended. I also met a couple who was planning their family's future before beginning to have children. I really admired how in tune with one another they appeared and the obvious commitment to each other to make sure they were well informed to make such a big decision. Most pregnancies happen before the research can be done, and if this is the case for anyone reading this, don't panic. Remain calm, we humans have been at this whole reproduction thing for a while, we're designed for it and as long as a woman has a good high risk medical team on board and is monitored closely, there is a chance for a successful pregnacy. Two things to remember; A successful pregnancy is not uneventful and nothing worth having ever comes without risks and with that comes the possibility of some very tough decisions. Be sure to discuss all concerns with your OBGYN and specialist.
The Disabeld Woman's Guide to Pregnancy and Birth can be found on Amazon for $22.76,
Read about Scleroderma and pregnancy from the Scleroderma Foundation, Click here

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