Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Not Yet Back

Happy New year Everyone!

Hope everyone found some bit of joy over this holiday season. I found lots of inspiration to write, but have yet to put down a word for no other reason except that I'm still unpacking from a great two-weeks.
So in the spirit of "Coffee Talk" and the whole here's a topic-discuss, if you are craving something bloggish and obscene to read I suggest checking out The Rude Pundit. I caught his "Final F-off" to the decade while eating lunch today and rather than be jealous of his thinking up some things first, I'll share, because sharing is nice. He had some interesting things to say about the Underpants Bomber, I scrolled past the Haiku section and read the final F-offs. This is not for the faint, so if you are easily offended, you may want to just skip it watch a clip of "Coffee Talk". So check a couple things out and discuss amongst yourselves. Now it's back to unpacking and opening up mail.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog today. Have a good one.

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