Thursday, April 7, 2011

Representatives Argument Lacking.

“The Troops Come First” says REP Mike Pearce R-Indiana on the House Floor today.

I'm watching the House debate on C-Span. I hear, "We can fund the troops." Maybe it's me, but that statement just feels unfinished. Allow to me to add what they are leaving out.

We can fund our troops by cutting WIC. A service many of the E-1, E-2, E-3 and E-4 families use.

We can fund our troops by cutting costs to Veteran’s Benefits. The troops will one day be Veterans and have family members who use Veteran’s Benefits for their healthcare.

We can fund our troops by cutting education. Many troops have children who receive public education.

We can fund the troops by cutting regulation for clean water, safe food and medications. Many families of troops drink water, eat and take medications.

We can fund our troops by cutting Social Security, a service that all troops pay into, and their family members use. (“removing 66% of seniors off Medicare” Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee)

This does not feel like they wish to take care of the troops. Their argument would be solid if the troops did not have families or loved ones. They are leaving out those the Troops think about while they are away from their families and loved ones. If one were to really care about the troops,they would fight for things that matter to the troops in addition to their paychecks, which help- but are just a part of the picture.

This is what I have so far. Please join me in the debate here or on Twitter.

Thank you for reading.


  1. Hi, I just found your blog,we may clash but I am ok with disagreeing and remaining interested in other peoples point of view. Just so you know I am an atheist, socialist ,feminist, have scleroderma and a lot of pets .Ialso have a blog. I am a Canadian by choice, not a pacifist but not a war monger! OK that should set us up nicely..

  2. Thank you for the comment Chrows25. Could you please leave a link to your blog in another comment so my readers can find it? Thanks.


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