Friday, July 23, 2010

Online Support Groups

Good Friday morning everyone!
I had my Remicade infusion yesterday and I feel great today. I met an amazing person yesterday who really inspired me. She's a breast cancer survior and a nursing student. She looks great! She told me about some things that have helped her. One of them was alkalized water and how making your body less acidic and balanced prevents cancer. Her health and energy level offered some valid proof to me. Of course, I will be researching this and posting links to studies in a later post. I just wanted to mention my experience with her because she really inspired me.

I know firsthand having a chronic degenerative disease can lull one into thinking it's a get out of jail free card for anything else- it's not. It's still important to keep up on all the other things that come naturally with age. It's difficult for me to schedule those boring routine appointments between the echos, PFT's, Upper Endoscopies, swallow studies, blood tests, visits to 3 doctors every four months and of course those infections in between. I dread squeezing in those appointments, but I push myself to do it the older I get.

A few years ago during my annual exam, my NP found a lump. It turned out to be nothing, but now I get to have a mamogram every year. I'm not happy about that test, no one is. As for the colonoscopy, they have 10 more years to perfect that capsule with a camera one can swallow. I hope to luck out on that one.

Before I go I want to tell you about an online community I found. I am no good with support groups. I really like this online community. I logged on and read some great stories from people with Scleroderma and Sarcoidosis. (not at the same time- hey, not everyone can be as cool as me:-) The online community is called Inspire. Check it out.
Inspire for Scleroderma
Inspire for Sarcoidosis

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