Thursday, July 8, 2010

Confessions of a Label Reading Nut

On my Face Book page today, I posted the U-Tube video of a man lighting his tap water on fire in my discussion section, to provoke a discussion on the environment. It also made me think of the things I eat. I am a label reading nut, but turn me loose at a Jack in the Box drive through and I'll order 2 tacos for $0.99. (I was very upset when they stopped calling them Monster Tacos) and a cup of caffeinated, carbonated High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS).

Anyone who has been grocery shopping with me has been driven crazy by my need to take things they place in the cart back onto the shelf because it contains high fructose corn syrup, aspartame and any artificial sweeteners. They find it hard to hide the look of frustration on their face when I replace it with a slightly expensive alternative

I am also a realist. I know there are certain foods that contain HFCS and eating them can be unavoidable. When on vacation left with little alternatives on the road when hungry, I break down and get them. How is it related to S., S. and Box Wine? Many who have autoimmune diseases take steroids and have trouble loosing weight after treatment. HFCS in a diet can make weight loss that much more difficult. On a personal note, I do notice a difference if my diet contains more HFCS than usual. I feel tired and I eat more. I have to get going to another doctor's appointment so I will leave you with some reading today.
Have a great day all!

P.S. If you have a sweet tooth and having trouble finding candy with all natural ingredients without HFCS, check out Becky Roka- It’s YUMMY!

High Fructose Corn Syrup and Diabetes

HFCS vs Table Sugar

The Documentary Food Inc. does a great job of explaining where HFCS comes from and how it effects our food chain. There's also a book for those with a longer attention span.

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