Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wii Fit and Meditation

Another glamorous Friday night. I spent an hour and a half doing Wii Fit Plus. I felt great afterward, but my balance exercises were challenged. I found my earbuds for my Ipod and used them instead of my stereo. It was very distracting during the balancing exercises. I never realized how much mental effort it takes (at least for me) to do those balance exercises.

What does this have to do with meditation? I realized I focus myself during these balance exercises. The balance exercises are a place where I can clear my head, not unlike meditation. So then I decided to challenge myself to my balance exercises well while listening to my Ipod with my earbuds on. I may find this counter productive to clearing my head, but I just have to find out.

What made me think simple tasks unknowingly lead me to meditation? There is an article in the May 2007 Shambala Sun featuring Alice Walker, the author of the book, "The Color Purple". Ms. Walker talks about how sweeping is a great meditation act for her and how simple acts can provoke meditation. The Wii Fit balance exercises are my meditation tasks. I'll elaborate more in another post. I need to get ready for an old school concert with some old friends and I need to make time to fit in some balance exercises.
Have a great Saturday everone!

I found the article! Check it out.
....A Conversation With Alice Walker

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