Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Little Things

It's not big grand gestures; it's the little things that really make a difference in one's day.

I woke up late today because I took something to help me sleep last night. I felt rested. I should have because I woke up at 9:30. Already behind, I started on some bookkeeping work and realized the file I had been given was a complete (starts with cluster) expletive. I moved onto my next project which is a memoir. It was quite a story today. The file I refer to was given to me by my ex-husband and we are currently negotiating the terms of my family’s business. Writing about our split took its toll on me emotionally. I was mulling over how to blog about this without sounding bitter so I went to brush my teeth. I brush my teeth about 6 times a day. It's part OCD, part having Scleroderma. I have the partial facelift and nose job, compliments of Scleroderma. (Skin tightening of the face) It's not too bad, but I do need to brush my teeth after every meal to keep my gums healthy. Back to my story...

I was inside my head when I picked up my toothbrush and went for the toothpaste and saw two tubes. One near empty that would take a little work to get the toothpaste out and the brand new tube I bought the day before. When I went to bed last night, new tube was in its box. This morning, the brand new tube had been taken out of its box; the tamper-proof seal under the cap had been removed and was left lying next to the near empty tube. Now when I'm inside my head, it's hard to get my attention, but that brand new tube of toothpaste snapped me right out of it. It didn't just magically appear. Before he left for work this morning, my boyfriend- who was running late by the way, took the time to open the new toothpaste so I wouldn't have to struggle with the near empty tube. How thoughtful is that? That's not the first time- he does this stuff like this all the time. The first time he really got my attention was when we stayed at my dad's house. We got there around midnight after driving 8 hours, which my boyfriend drove the whole way. Exhausted, I thought he would crawl right into bed and fall asleep, but before he did, he grabbed extra blankets from the floor and stacked them under a pillow- for me. He remembered I needed to sleep elevated and wanted to make sure I did. I actually asked him what he was doing while he was doing it, I was so shocked.

So instead of my bitter mood, I get to share how lucky I am to have someone in my life that show me he cares with the little things that really matter.

I have to go brush my teeth again. I think I just gave myself a cavity writing that.

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