Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Optometrist Rocks!!!!!

My day started out well. My son was enjoying his oatmeal. I had secretly replaced his cow's milk with soy. I had him with the oatmeal, but he wasn't buying the chocolate milk- too much vanilla. He is really too smart for his own good. (Fooling tips are soooo welcome) Overall it was a good morning until I put my contact lense in my eye. It crumpled into a ball and before the first profanity came out of my mouth, it disappeared behind my eye. For those of you who don't know, I have severe contractures of my fingers due to Scleroderma (I've explained it enough so just go to www.scleroderma.org and read about it). Instead of using my fingertips, I use the side knuckle of my right index finger to put in my contact lenses. My optometrist- who rocks by the way- loves it and likes to use me as example to his patients who wine about wearing theirs. (Normally, I don't like to be used as an example, but I have an ego to feed people.)

Back to my morning.... The last time this happened, I ended up scratching my cornea with my knuckle trying to find it. My optometrist, Dr. Mc Diarmid, had to create a new diagnosis name "Knuckle Scratched Corena", because most people scratch their corneas with their fingernails. (That's me- always breaking new ground) So this time, I did the only thing that could be done. I sucked it up, put in the other lense in my other eye and got my son to school- late, but I got him there. Lucky for us and those on the road that morning, I am used to driving one-eyed. Thanks to genetics, My Uncle Cosmo (rest his soul) and I have this thing where involuntarily our right eye slams shut, even while wearing sunglasses when it's really bright. I had crows feet at 18! I was going broke on eye cream until I started using Avon (shameless plug- don't judge- Mama has day spa bills to pay). I digress, just get used to it. So I dropped off my son and headed to Inland Eye Clinic, Dr. Mc Diarmid's office. They fit me right in. In less than 10 minutes, he examined me and with a Q-Tip and some yellow drops, he fished out my lense completely intact. I was happily released back into the wild with some tear thickening eye drops and my sight restored. My right eye is a little more yellow than usual, but I can see!!! Thanks Doc!
Asleep yet? That was my morning. Not to rave about Inland Eye Clinic, but there will be a later blog about how Dr. Phillips of that clinic, actually saved my life 5 1/2 years ago. I am so not exaggerating. I'll tell you about that one later.
Have a great Tuesday!

Scleroderma, Avon, Inland Eye Clinic

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