Showing posts with label roadside assistance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roadside assistance. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Hole and Border Patrol

I would like to send a big shout out to the Border Patrol Officers who helped me last night. It was 10:30pm and I thought I had at least 20 more miles left in my gas tank, but I was very wrong. Luckily, my car died right in front of a Border Patrol Check Point. The Officers hooked me up with some fuel to get me the next 5 miles to the nearest gas station. They were helpful, friendly and while waiting I had front row seats as they pulled one tweaker over after another during a surprise checkpoint stop. Drug addiction is a horrible disease, but you have to find the humor in the silly way some adults will try to fool someone sober into thinking they are not high.
Thanks Officers for the help- and the show!!

One of the reasons I routinely play chicken with my gas tank is because I need assistance pumping gas into my car. It gets messy and I can’t open my gas cap with my contractured fingers. I don't know if its pride or stupidity, but I hate going to gas stations and asking for help. I would pay for full serve, but to get that I would have to go to Wisconsin or Beverly Hills (seriously). I have regular stations I go to locally where I know people and they are always happy to help, but at night attendants are usually alone and I hate asking even more. I know it's no excuse for doing something as stupid as playing chicken with my gas tank, but I wanted to explain.

And now, a gross story about my elbow, enjoy...
So, yesterday while sitting at a stoplight in my car. I bumped my elbow on my arm rest right on a dried out sore. I took a look at it in my rear view mirror and saw a hole in place of the sore. Sounds gross right? Well, there was no blood or fluid of any kind. just a perfectly round hole. It looked like someone took a one sided hole punch to my elbow. There was live healthy skin in the depression and healthy tissue around the circumference of my sore. It doesn't even hurt. So, I'm just going to keep an eye on it and keep it clean. It sounds crazy to me but I just had to tell someone. I hope you weren’t eating when you read this.

Common Treatment for pressure sores

Picture of Digital Ulcer
More about Digital Ulcers
Wound Care (Do not click on the pictures they are a bit gross, but the article is good)
ALWAYS consult your physician about the care and treatment of your own digital ulcers. These articles and links are provided as information only.

Blazing Flare-Ups