Showing posts with label You got your Church in my State... Two great tastes that don't go good together.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You got your Church in my State... Two great tastes that don't go good together.. Show all posts

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Jesus is Just Alright with Me

Now THAT makes sense!


Jesus is Just Alright with Me

That must be where the Holy Grail is located. While she was driving the boat she was drinking out of it and hit a big wake and if fell in the lake.


Jesus is Just Alright with Me

Maybe it was wood left over from a job he did. Waste not want not....
Maybe they did it while the tattletale was in Temple and Mary Magdaline took his spot on the boat.


Jesus is Just Alright with Me

He was poor and never would have never paid for the wood to make the wake board. Plus one of his disciples would had told on him any way.


Jesus is Just Alright with Me

Darwin and Jesus probably would've been fishing buddies. Maybe Jesus like to wake board too. He had enough apostles to row fast enough so he could easily get a up on a plank of wood shaped like a wake board. (he was a carpenter). Hmmmm....


Jesus is Just Alright with Me

I thought Darwin liked fish.


Jesus is Just Alright with Me

He did like to fish.


Jesus is Just Alright with Me

Karen, Did you say Jesus was a sailor?


Jesus is Just Alright With Me

Or freedom of religion for thise who don't believe Jesus is a Savior?
Just asking.


Jesus is Just Alright with Me

What happen to the separation of religion and state?

Blazing Flare-Ups