Monday, September 19, 2011

Sex, Scleroderma, Sarcoidosis and Chocolate Donuts.

This has nothing to do with age. Since my diagnosis of Scleroderma in 1994 and Sarcoidosis diagnosis in 2007, I have been hiding out. My body started changing all over. My flexibility disappeared overnight. I used to think I was constantly cycling through the 5 Stages of grief, but I have a new hypothesis: I think I may be a 40 year old teenager.

That's right, I think I am a teenager. Not the cool 19 year old kind either. I'm talking the 13 year old flat-chested-Are-You-There-God?-It's-Me-Margret (Judy Blume) type, except I have boobs.

Now that medication has stabilized both diseases. Health wise, I feel like the worst is over. The hurricane that was once my health has passed or I'm at least in eye of the storm. I'm living well with my invisible diseases. They are invisible unless you look closely at my hands. My elbows don't extend but my hips are starting to loosen up with the help of Anusara Yoga and Zumba. Here's another thing that's really freaking me out- it turns out I like sex.(Please note: this may or may not be a side effect of breaking up with my ex-husband and then boyfriend. A correlation? I'll have to research that one)

Autoimmune diseases can make it impossible to enjoy sex because it affects you ALL over. Well, now I like sex. As is the problem for all teenagers I too rarely get the opportunity.
Then there's another problem. Making friends. I'm learning to do that as well. When I meet someone I am just so happy to be interacting with an adult, I'll talk their ear off or overwhelm them. I was given some great advice by two good friends and as soon I figure this all out, I'll let you know. It's a work in progress. You know, I may never figure it "all" out, but I'm sure I will find some sort of middle ground.

Long story short: The last 20 years I have been hiding out, depressed and avoiding social contact because I was afraid to reach out to others while it was happening. I can't regret it because that would just make me more depressed. I have to look at it, identify it, accept it and move on. I also have 20 years of experiences to share that would curl even the straightest of hair. Sharing has been helpful for me. I hope it helps others too.
I feel like I am on the other side. This is me: I have a port-o-cath in my chest, every eight weeks I get infusions to keep me ahead of the game. If I stop exercising, there is a cost- usually an infection resulting in a hospital stay. I just experienced setting proper boundaries and I feel great about it because my house is mine again. This is my life. Friendships will come and go. The ones that remain are those that accept me with my faults as well as me learning how to be a good friend in return. As far as sex goes, oh, I'll get some- but it won't be with just anyone.

So that's it. That's my life today. Tomorrow I may freak out about a grey hair, but I'll worry about that when I see one.

Today, it's off to the dentist. Scleroderma affects teeth and gums as well. I get my teeth cleaned every 4 months thanks to that socialist organization, The Veteran's Administration. Plus I have some records of test results to pick up to bring to my specailists at UCLA, whom I am able to see thanks to that ponzi-scheme called Medicare.
Tomorrow, who knows? Maybe some sex and chocolate donuts(the Hostess kind you get at the gas station.
Now off to my Chronically Awesome Day- hope you have one as well!

Some great reading:
"Sexuality and Scleroderma" by Elaine Furst RA, MA, BSN
"Scleroderma and Dental Health" by Philip Naunert DDS
And I just can't get enough of Parry Gripp:
Best Burrito

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