Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Imagination, A Nice Place to Visit....

I have made a commitment to myself to write at least 10 minutes a day. It doesn't sound like much but I'm having a real time management problem. It's nothing new, I've had a time management problem my whole life. I'm going to be 40 in November and there's no excuse for it. I'm still in denial of even having a time management problem. I used to set my clocks ahead 15 minutes trying to fool myself into arriving early. Who was I fooling here, really? Fool, that's the key word here. Tricking MYSELF? As they say in Minnesota, "Yoou bet'cha!"
Here's how it would go: Already running behind, I would get behind the wheel. Eyes on the road I would glance at my clock, back at the road, then at my speedometer, triggering my inner voice, sounding very similar to Golem's. The only thing missing was replacing the word "somehow" with "tricksies"
I can shave a minute or two off my time by going one or two miles over the speed limit. I am somehow bending the time-space continuum. Yes, yes... Shhh. Stop over thinking- it's working. As long as I believe it, it's true. Shhh.
Oh yeah, that worked in my head, but never really played out in reality. Imagination. A nice place to visit, not a place to live.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Well, today I start back to work. I'm doing customer service for a business my grandfather started in 1985. My ex-husband has been"running" things and it's time for me to step up and help improve sales and customer service.

I have been out of it for over a year now and I am ready to work, but I am having trouble finding that drive I had. I think it was called youth!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Naming My Elephants

Since I changed the name, thought it would be a great time to give my definitions of Scleroderma and Sarcoidosis.
Today, let's talk about Scleroderma. There are so many better definitions than mine, but here goes. It's an autoimmune disease that causes an overproduction of collagen resulting in lots and lots of scar tissue. What is an autoimmune disease? Well, every autoimmune disease manifests itself differently so I will use some familiar references.
An autoimmune disease is some type of reaction with no know cause, where your body doesn't recognize and attacks it's own healthy cells. Remember the end of Scarface where tony Montoya was saying hello to everybody with his little "friend"? He takes out his sister and his best friend -those he needs the most, but he's so coked out he doesn't recognize they are truly the only people who love him. That's the autoimmune disease. All coked out and killing everything important to the body.

I just found a great website about autoimmunity. I'm still checking it out and I would love to hear any feedback from anyone who has visited this site.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Elephants in the Room

No, I'm not having a mid-life identity crisis, I just changed the name of my blog. This is supposed to be about my own experiences and these experiences usually have to do with my symptoms of Scleroderma and Sarcoidosis. Those diseases are not my identity, but my elephants in the room. My elephants effect my everyday experiences as complicated as parenting, going through an ugly divorce or just getting dressed. Thank you for continuing to read my blog.

Blazing Flare-Ups