Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Pulmonary Fibrosis and Pneumonia

 Pneumonia with pulmonary fibrosis on board is the fucked up scary nightmare it sounds like.  

For those of you who don't know, I have pulmonary fibrosis due to scleroderma or sarcoidosis. No one really knows for sure. I don't even know if there's a way to tell which chronic illness does what sometimes because they have similar symptoms. It's a really good time. And sometimes it is. When in the ED or at a doctor's appointment, attending physicians will bring in medical students, and I will tell them whatever they want to know from a patient's perspective. Actually, Grand Rounds was probably the first time I did stand-up.  

You might already know this, but when asked about my hands and I tell them I have scleroderma, it scares the shit out of people. I eventually found a way to joke about the ridiculous symptoms I could never imagine. They say event + time = comedy. Well, it never ends for me. There's always something weird. I learned to make it part of my life. Some people go to the gym, and I go see doctors. Not every day at the doctor's - so I've got time to go to the gym. Not that I go.  

I don't remember the last time I had pneumonia, so when I saw the x-ray and CT scan of fluid where the fibrosis is- the lower lobes of my lungs because- gravity, I knew I had to stay home and rest. Which really screws with my stand-up comedy career.  

This time, I told my family what was happening in real-time. I usually don't because, like I said, it's like incorporating a low-fat, high-fiber diet. It sucks, but it's manageable. Pneumonia kills people with no lung problems, so this was more serious than usual.  

I found it very helpful after I told them I didn't need someone to fly out. I needed a routine and help keeping that. Another person staying in my tiny, overpriced, one-bedroom shoebox apartment with my dog and me would've been a nightmare. It's not that I don't enjoy their company; I want no one's company when I'm sick. If someone's going to fly out, it should be for fun.  

Symptoms of an upper respiratory infection started in February, and one x-ray showed it might be pneumonia, so I was given a five-day course of antibiotics. I began to feel better, but then everything went to shit, and I got myself to the ED. Sure enough, an x-ray and CT showed fluid in my lungs. I was given another round of antibiotics, but one with a broader scope.  

Things did not improve, but they didn't get worse. The ED docs called it plateauing. Which meant no more antibiotics, just rest and rest. It takes longer to clear an infection when pulmonary fibrosis is on board. My new favorite snacktime treats are green tea, toast, and Mucinex.  

I've been home except one night for a comedy show I produce. Luckily, I have good friends in comedy who made it a damn good show. My voice was not back, and my friend Mary Huth co-hosted.  

Last month, while sick, I decided that I would keep a solid sleep routine instead of late nights at the comedy club. That meant no more shows and no open mics. My comedy career has failed to launch since the Covid lockdown, and I have begun to accept that my health will keep me from traveling. Wait, not my health- god management of my health requires I keep a regular schedule to get my groove back. Luckily, I have a comedy outlet. , I produce a monthly comedy show at Hollywood Post 43. My schedule will allow me to pour my energy into making it a kick-ass show.  

I tried the new format, making it no longer a bar show. I Post 43's Cabaret Room into a comedy club with a DJ. The comedians were great, and the show was a hit.  

I'm pissed off that fighting and now recovering from a complication due to my chronic illnesses are my number one priority. However, I'm grateful I can still have a comedy outlet to host, perform or produce. I love doing all three. Having a plan for when I'm well has always been essential. It gets me through the challenging parts. It's going to take some time. My lungs are healing, but I must overcome The Great Stiffening. More on that in another post. I'm so tired of waiting for my voice to come back completely. I'm recording an episode of my new podcast with my scratchy voice. (don't threaten me with a good time)

Thanks for reading!

Blazing Flare-Ups