Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What's With The Turtle?

 Why Turtle, you ask?

1. It's a whole lot easier to spell and remember than any greek named chronic illness.

2. Thousands of Ridley Turtles lay their eggs at the same time. When millions of eggs hatch, their numbers overwhelm their predators which makes them more likely to survive. When you look at each autoimmune disease, our numbers are small. If you combine the number of people worldwide with autoimmune diseases the numbers are overwhelming. We are all in this together, and together we are stronger.

3. Sea turtles are cool.  The technical term is, "Totes Adorbs"

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pssst.... Check This Out...

Hi everyone. Thank you for continuing to read my blog. I will soon have an address change. So far only friends and family have seen this. Please remember, this is a work in progress. I look forward to your feedback- please be gentle, but please more than anything- be honest. When I do a new post, I will go all social network crazy, but before I do, I want to share this with those who have been following my blog. Without you, my family and friends I would not have the inspiration to grow this. Please read the article that was published elsewhere and got Mary Bono Mack to block me on Twitter. If she represents your district, be sure to tell her hi. Also, ask her if she'll ever have an office in California.

The Mighty Turtle: Tales of Scleroderma, Sarcoidosis and Box Wine.

Thank you.

Blazing Flare-Ups